Founder, Crystal Healer, and Spiritual Mentor

I amĀ a Certified Crystal Healer and Certified ThetaHealer (energy work), utilizing crystals and energy for healing the mind, body, emotions, and soul over the past 10 years. IĀ love help others learn how to work with energetic tools, so that they can efficiently transmute influences that might be affecting their own physical and emotional wellbeing (internally and externally).

Iā€™m here to guide those who are ready to do the deeper self-healing work, and then help others as well, creating a ripple effect towards changing the world. If thatā€™s YOU,Ā I look forward to connecting!

My (condensed) lifeĀ story below...

I grew up in a small community in the Sierra Nevada mountains (Northern California)... my childhood was quite challenging (although most people never knew what I was going through) so I felt the most at peace spending my time alone in nature, often looking for crystals! So it's not surprising crystal healing came back into my life many years later :)

The summer I graduated high school, my mom was diagnosed with cancer... but she insisted I still attend architecture school at University of Hawaii. That college experience was brief because she ended up passing away six months later (I had to rush home the weekend before finals). And then a few months after her passing, my dad was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease... and then he passed about six months after that. It was a really rough and traumatic year for me that sent me into survival mode at 18 years old. I felt like I was all alone in taking care of myself and my future, which was quite a heavy weight on a teenager's shoulders.

My version of "coping" was to completely submerge myself in full-time college and work as much as possible to pay for everything. Whatever I could do to feel "in control" of my life after it had been turned upside down. So basically, I became a workaholic in order to not deal with everything that had happened. I was completely avoiding my emotions/trauma.

This went on for a good decade, as I worked SO hard at "creating the perfect life, with all the right pieces"... I'd married young, had financial stability and a very successful career as an Interior Designer... but I was miserable, depressed, burnt out, an anxious mess, lonely, and didn't enjoy life.

My wakeup call happened around 30 years old.

I wanted to experience life differently. So the life I'd worked hard to create began to "unravel" as I started making big life-changing decisions. Leaving a successful career that no longer felt aligned, going through a divorce, moving to a different town, letting go of toxic people... and starting over in just about every part of my life.

It was absolutely scary and uncomfortable, and all the fears/emotions/traumas that I'd worked so hard to bury were triggered and started bubbling to the surface to be dealt with...

Trust me, I know the healing process can be really hard as you begin to face things!

However, this was the beginning of my new path towards healing myself and changing my life... which then led to the path of helping others with their own healing/spiritual journeys. Crystals were a huge part of my healing journey, so I love teaching others about crystals as healing tools & support. Plus how to navigate experiences, mindfulness, emotions, trauma, energy healing, etc.

If you've made it this far, my guess is that the Universe brought you here for a reason ;) Perhaps just to give you hope!

Thank you for reading my story, for being here, and I hope I'm able to positively influence your journey in some way! ~ Jess


Balancing and Grounding Online Workshop

Perfect for those that are new to working with crystal energy and want to get started with the basics. This empowering 3-day workshop will provide you with resources and tips for changing your lifestyle – from frantic and scattered to balance and grounded! Includes a daily guided meditation for shifting your energy. Sign up now to get started.

Crystal Healing Online Course

A self-guided Crystal Healing online course to learn about crystal energy in conjunction with your energy aura and Chakra System, as a holistic approach for healing your mind-body-soul. This course will help you understand how crystals work, allowing you to feel confident with selecting and using crystals for the mind-body-soul.

Crystal Healer Certification

This Crystal Healer Certification training program is the perfect way to up-level your life and spirituality! Learn the science, metaphysical and functional aspects of crystal energy, how to do crystal healing sessions, and then integrate those sparkly gems into daily your life, for supporting the mind-body-soul. Perfect for those trained in Reiki who want to become a professional crystal healer or add to a healing-based practice.

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I've personally designed and created my entire website using KAJABI . Headshot by Caroline White Photography


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